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Under the headline “Exploitation of Mentally Disabled Women: The Guardian is the Thief… Family and Associations,” journalist and social activist Zeinab Hammoud …

“The void is knocking at the door of the Lebanese Army… no new volunteers at the military academy.” This is what was …

Zeina Akar: “A Genocide Committed by the Israeli Killing Machine Against Palestinians” As part of the “All Eyes on Rafah” campaign, which …

On May 5, 2024, the young woman Zeinab Maatouk, 33 years old, was killed. The crime was committed by a colleague in …

Lebanese citizens are currently preoccupied with a shocking discovery that has exacerbated their fears on child safety in the country. Members of …

20% is the percentage of child marriage among Lebanese minors (under 18 years), most of whom are females (87%). These shocking figures …

The Lebanese series “A Amal” did not go unnoticed during the Ramadan season of 2024. “A Amal” highlighted topics of violence against …

After nearly 6 months of submitting demands and escalating actions by public administration staff and retired military personnel, the Council of Ministers …

“Our first and last demand is to live with dignity,” says one of the protesters in the retired military personnel’s movement, adding, …

It’s not surprising for the Nabu Museum’s management, which chose Lebanese artist Ziad Rahbani for its inaugural concert, to continue presenting the …

Before the end of 2023, 10 deputies from different political parties signed a law proposal about the quota of women represented in …

At 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, August 12, 2022, in the Library of the House of Representatives, the “Lebanese Parliamentary Elections 2022” book …