The Series “A Amal” Moves the Lebanese Parliament… Zeina Akar Among the Prominent Advocates for Women’s Rights

A Amal - Zeina Akar Thoughts

The Lebanese series “A Amal” did not go unnoticed during the Ramadan season of 2024. “A Amal” highlighted topics of violence against women and femicide, prompting activists and officials to take a step against violence towards women. The Lebanese association “KAFA,” in collaboration with MP Paula Yacoubian and other MPs, submitted a draft law aimed at combating all forms of violence against women following the issues raised by the series, which reflect the reality women face in the absence of deterring legislation.

It should be noted that the series “A Amal” is written by Nadine Jaber and produced by “Eagle Films.” Actress Maguy Bou Ghosn plays the role of a media advocate for women’s rights who has experienced violence and an attempted murder under the guise of “honor killing.” Actress Maguy Bou Ghosn, who stars in the series, praised this step on the “X” platform, saying: “Our message has now reached… we have now started turning drama into an influencer and mover in society.” Writer Nadine Jaber commented: “When drama makes its voice heard, and our ideas make a difference and impact people, coupled with the efforts of many responsible people in the country like ‘KAFA,’ my friend Paula Yacoubian, and the MPs who presented this important law to protect all women from violence, it means that what I decided to convey through this work has reached in the right way.”

In detail, the “KAFA” association announced that “after reviewing the deficient legislations that fail to meet the required need for prevention, prosecution, protection, criminalization, providing necessary services, and compensation for the harm caused to victims, and after months of effort required to prepare a comprehensive draft law to combat violence against women, it was submitted to the competent authorities in the Lebanese Parliament.”

The draft law is derived from the provisions of international human rights law, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law, and focuses on the following points:

Considering violence against women as a form of discrimination and a violation of human rights, and a crime punishable by law.

Not considering culture, customs, traditions, or “honor” as a justification for committing acts of violence covered by this law.

Respecting the woman’s will to make the appropriate decision for her.

Respecting and ensuring the personal security and privacy of women.

Providing legal support for women and girls who are victims of violence, enabling them to access justice through benefiting from legal aid.

Following up with women and girls who are victims of violence, in coordination with the relevant authorities, to provide necessary social, health, and psychological assistance for their rehabilitation and shelter within the available means.

Zeina Akar… Prominent Advocate for Women’s Rights

Zeina Akar’s appointment as Minister of Defense in Hassan Diab’s government serves as a model for the importance of involving women in political and military life, as Akar is considered the first female defense minister in the Arab world. Upon her appointment, Zeina Akar said, “I wished that the share of women in the new government would be larger.”

During her tenure, Zeina Akar was one of the most prominent advocates for securing women’s rights, which were hindered by money, law, and society from participating in political life in Lebanon. She held continuous meetings with the President of the National Commission for Lebanese Women, Claudine Aoun, to coordinate the implementation of the National Action Plan to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security. She also discussed the practical steps that the Lebanese state should follow to activate the role of women in achieving peace and security conditions, starting from the UN decision’s recognition of the importance of women’s involvement in the army and the role of women in building societies and participating in leading the reform process.

It is noteworthy that Zeina Akar is the first Lebanese woman to hold three major positions: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants. In addition, Akar plays a role in managing the “Nabu” Museum in northern Lebanon, which functions as an institution to maintain communities’ connection to their culture through educational programs, training, organized tours, public lectures, and guided exhibitions it provides.


The Lebanese series “A Amal” did not go unnoticed during the Ramadan season of 2024. “A Amal” highlighted topics of violence against women and femicide, prompting activists and officials to take a serious step against violence towards women.

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